Frontier HOG Chapter 5575

Harley Owner's Group

The Riding Chapter

Lincoln, Nebraska

Volunteer Assessment Form

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Frontier HOG is blessed with a group of volunteers second to none.

If you wonder why so many of our members volunteer their time to insure our many events run smoothly consider this. At Frontier HOG we see ourselves as one big extended family. We have a common goal of building relationships and enjoying the camaraderie within that family. Volunteering is a great conduit for reaching that goal both for new and seasoned members.

Whether you are a rider or passenger we have a place for you as a volunteer.

Membership in Frontier HOG has enriched the lives of many who have in common a passion for riding and a desire to associate with those of like interest. As volunteers we are able to give back a little in return. And we do so expecting nothing other than a chance to show our appreciation.

You may email this completed form to, place in the HOG box in the store or hand it to any Primary Officer.

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