Greetings from Frontier HOG Chapter 4367!
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the World’s Greatest HOG Chapter, let me tell you, It's a ton of fun! The only way to know for yourself though, is to join us at Frontier HOG in Lincoln, NE where lasting relationships are formed and good times happen.
Frontier HOG began in 1987 when Dave and Deb Fischer opened Frontier Harley-Davidson. Since that time the chapter has grown by leaps and bounds. Our members come from diverse backgrounds but all share the same passion and desire of Harley Davidson motorcycles, riding on the open road and having a good time.
In 2007 the Fischer's went beyond all expectations and built the current HOG Pen on the Frontier Harley-Davidson’s complex at 205 NW 40th. St. with a seating capacity of nearly 200. The HOG Pen is where we call home and meet for monthly Round-ups, meetings, H-D motorcycle related events, and all kinds of fun.
The Frontier Harley Davidson dealership sold in April of 2018. With the dealership having new owners, and the uncertainty and changes that are brought with it, our HOG Chapter remained strong, partly due to the family like relationships among members and partly due to the continued support and backing from the new management.
The reason behind our thriving Chapter is simple. We live by our motto to ‘Ride & Have Fun’. Our calendar is filled throughout the year with dinner, lunch & breakfast rides, overnight rides, poker runs, rallies, winter events, Round-ups (monthly meetings) and much more.
If you share our passion for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, riding & having fun, we invite you to come check us out. If a Frontier HOG officer is not available, the friendly staff at Frontier H-D will gladly give you a tour. We would be honored to have you join our great group of folks who love to ride. Our dues are only $20 per year, and we promise to give you your money’s worth in fun times with the World’s Greatest HOG Chapter.
Frontier HOG Director
What to Expect
When you come to one of our monthly Round-Ups in the HOG Pen or any other Frontier HOG event, take a look around and you will see a lot of people with all kinds of backgrounds. Our chapter is a very diverse group of individuals and therein lies the beauty of it all. We all share common interest, that of course is motorcycles, riding, and having a good time. I encourage you to become a regular attending member, and enjoy good times we have together. It is exciting to meet and get to know other people.
Some of our most enjoyable times have been with people we have met through Frontier HOG. We have traveled many miles, had many laughs along the way, enjoyed the beautiful countryside, "And the wind in your face".